Emerging Technologies Learn about next generation technologies and the steps to implement in a contractor's business.//www.pjbjkak.com/rss/876 en-us 3 Ways Construction Technology Is Helping AEC Companies Thrive Through the Pandemic & Beyond

Technology is helping many in the construction industry not just survive but thrive despite global pandemic. Discover the technologies that are helping them improve safety, quality, and productivity during COVID-19 and beyond.

//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51243 Thu, 18 Feb 2021 10:00:00 -0500//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51243-ways-construction-technology-is-helping-aec-companies-thrive-through-the-pandemic-beyond
How Robotic Construction Technology is Being Used to Solve Both Present and Persistent Challenges

The pandemic has created new challenges. But it’s also accelerated the adoption of technologies that are helping AEC companies work safer, faster, and smarter. Read on to learn some surprising ways robotics are being used on the jobsite.

//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51241 Thu, 18 Feb 2021 09:58:00 -0500//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51241-how-robotic-construction-technology-is-being-used-to-solve-both-present-and-persistent-challenges
Autonomy: The Future of Construction < p >自治在民用建筑是一个热门话题。Learn how new hardware and software solutions are transforming today’s earthworks projects and operations by making it easier to enable connected workflows and manage projects remotely.

//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51403 Thu, 18 Feb 2021 08:00:00 -0500//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51403-autonomy-the-future-of-construction