
All times are listed in东部时间
11:00 AM

Welcome Remarks

上午11:00 - 下午12:15


在一个不断变化的行业中,具有不断变化的职业道路和企业层次结构,使自己不仅令人难忘,而且不可或缺,使您的个人品牌更加重要。提高您的个人资料将在公司内外创建领导机会。Shawmut Design and Construction CEO的首席执行官Les Hiscoe将在开幕式主题演讲中讨论他的首席执行官道路,在抚养名为您的品牌的会议之前。

Les Hiscoe, CEO, Shawmut Design and Construction


In this session panelists will unpack how to become one of your firm’s most valuable assets by building your network and developing business in the pandemic era. The panel will cover how to outline and expand your responsibilities, add value to your projects and develop strong relationships. Learning to create a “brand story” with blogs, social media and video will also help shape your talents, values and purpose.


Les Hiscoe, CEO, Shawmut Design and Construction


Danielle Feroleto,总统/老板,小巨人
Maisha Hagan, Owner and Head Coach, Beauty & the Boss, LLC

12:15pm - 12:30pm

Networking Break

12:30pm - 1:30pm



Workshop 1: Apply Winning Strategies from Allegiant Stadium to Your Own Project

保罗将讨论Mortenson-McCarthy合资企业如何成功领导200多家公司的团队 - 包括设计师,工程师,贸易承包商,供应商和超过12,000名工人 - 在31个月内完成Las Vegas的Allegiant Stadium。与会者将学习最佳实践,以便将公司文化,领导和才能进行对准,以确保凝聚力和成功管理自己的项目。18luck官网Joel将讨论交互式仪表板的开发和实施,以便将项目的3D模型信息视为可操作的数据,该数据易于摘要,并以可访问,可靠性和直观的部署方式分享。他将展示如何使用技术如何使其他项目受益。18luck官网
Paul Dudzinski.,项目执行官,麦卡锡大厦Cos。
Joel Jacobson.,高级综合建筑经理,Mortenson


Storytelling 101 focuses on providing participants a base-level understanding of storytelling as a practice and its value for the AEC industry, then introduces a foundational three-step approach to crafting a successful story, which participants will explore in a “hands-on” breakout room. This virtual workshop provides an introduction to storytelling and a simple, replicable process for developing content from presentations to thought leadership articles to design documents and reports, leading them to outstanding and impactful results.
Seth Gamble.,知识经理,Arup

1:30pm - 1:45pm

Networking Break

下午1:45 - 下午2:30


随着主持人Tim Klabunde的开幕词,本次会议将是一个神话的巴斯特。对于我们的大部分生活,我们被告知,听力是巨大沟通的关键,而虽然这是一个重要的元素,但这并不孤单。影响是沟通的另一个重要方面。来自一个尊敬的小组成员群体,他们将挑战您的心态,让您使用新工具获取工作,创建获胜项目,获取发票,并激励您的团队获取同一页面。18luck官网通信是您每天使用的最重要工具。这次讨论将向您展示如何提高您的沟通方式,为您周围的人们产生积极影响并获得完成的事情。


蒂姆克拉邦德,FSMPS,CPSM, Principal, Timmons Group


John Burke,市中心威斯敏斯特开发与建筑经理
金伯利戴维斯,副总裁 - 西南,Weitz公司
Sarah Terry,俄勒冈州劳工助理助理部

下午2:30 - 下午2:45

Networking Break

下午2:45 - 下午3:45


雅各布斯车程向多样性和包容性的焦点ed first on gender, but for its 55,000-person global workforce, the events of this summer put a sharper focus on its efforts around people of color. While in the U.S., that may mean African Americans, Hispanic American and others, it can encompass an even wider range of backgrounds throughout Jacobs’ offices in 50 countries. The board, executive leadership and senior leaders as well as younger leaders have embraced the need to draw in underrepresented parts of society. In his Top Young Professionals Conference keynote, Pragada will share Jacobs’ journey to build teams that don’t look alike or think alike but are the most innovative and productive and identify solutions that could help firms of all sizes develop more inclusive thinking.

Bob Pragada, President and Chief Operating Officer, Jacobs



Catch up with your peers for a virtual "cheers!" and continue to learn and collaborate with each other over video networking.

4:30pm - 5:30pm


Meet our Top 20 under 40 National recipients and join us in celebrating this group of self-starting construction trendsetters and how they've pushed the industry’s new normal to unexpected places.

赞助ed by:Holt Construction Company

上午11点 - 12点


This panel discussion will focus on lessons learned for recruiting, mentoring and advancing diverse viewpoints in the workplace, even in times of major change and crisis. Speakers from underrepresented communities in AEC will examine diversity through the lens of how New Orleans overcame the challenges to reconstruct the city after hurricanes, and then the community had to rapidly adjust work protocols while suffering the highest COVID-19 death rate per capita in the U.S. Data will be presented on the success of diverse teams and beneficial effects on employee turnover and safety culture, as well as concrete strategies for teaming with minority-owned businesses.


Mary Kincaid, PE,可持续基础设施方案经理,新奥尔良市项目交付单位
Sunae Villavaso, Director, Mayor's Office of Workforce Development, Office of Business and External Services (OBES)
Sonji White.,Vanir施工管理的建筑经理
Angelica Rivera., President, Colmex Construction, LLC

12 PM-12:15PM.

Networking Break


小组:保持平衡,工作更智能:成功的工作 - 生活整合

Balancing a family and career is a perennial struggle. Keeping work in one hand and life in the other is a challenge that throws many young professionals off balance, feeling that they don’t have enough time for either. Technology and the modern workplace make the lines between office and home blur even more, especially in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic as many feel pressured to be responsive in an “always on” culture. This session will focus on strategies to achieve an integration of work and life that will support success in both worlds. Panelists will offer real-life examples of what works and what doesn’t, strategies in time management, communication, planning and more.


Angela Cotie.,项目执行官,吉尔班大厦有限公司
妮可Mcelroy,项目执行官,leopardo cos。
Kelly Brewer,COO,Tilson Technology Management,Inc。


Networking Break





The world is facing an unprecedented wave of change. Accelerating technological progress, rapidly evolving societal needs and growing environmental imperatives, including climate change, all present significant, existential challenges and opportunities. Maintaining the status quo is not an option. This session will provide highlight the vision/mission and key learnings about the future of engineering from ECL – USA, a catalyst for change within the engineering community, helping it reach its highest potential on behalf of society in addressing the engineering challenges of the 21st century. The session will also include interactive discussions on public policy priorities to solve these challenges and the responsibility of the construction community to offer leadership in the realm of public policy. Screen reader support enabled.
迈克尔麦克米林,工程改革实验室执行董事 - 美国(ECL-USA)

Workshop 4: Unlocking the Mysteries of Marketing & Business Development in the Construction Industry

Most architecture, engineering and construction professionals have a general understanding of marketing and business development. You’ve learned the ins and outs through bosses, mentors and mostly from the school of hard knocks, but the big picture is a bit fuzzy. If you knew exactly what to do, you would do it—but you don’t, and so you feel stuck. Meanwhile, your firm’s backlog is lagging. Technical colleagues are unsure about networking. Your hit rate on key wins isn’t budging. And worst of all, you feel discouraged. Here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be that way. In this innovative presentation, A/E/C industry veteran Barbara Shuck, shares the 29,000-foot view of marketing and business development principles proven to engage newbies, mid-careerists and even veterans. Attendees will walk away with fresh insights about this dynamic industry, ready to take on new M/BD assignments with gusto!
芭芭拉匆匆忙忙, President, Everest Marketing Services


Networking Break


PANEL: Two-Way Street: How Traditional and Reverse Mentorships Increase Understanding and Knowledge Transfer

解决反向指导的想法 - 或者公司初级排名的成员的概念辅导着顶级中尉 - 本小组讨论了这种关系的价值,以及大的辅导。面板将帮助您导航这些指导性,以便最佳交流技能,知识和理解。本届会议将介绍如何为导师/借阅关系建立正确的基础,包括寻找共同的地面和建筑信托。它还将显示指导如何磨练您的技能并澄清您在所选领域的思维,这对首次经理特别有用。最后,我们的小组也将讨论指导如何改善组织中的招聘和保留。


Somik Ghosh, Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma


Elias Brooks,高级安全经理,Penta Building Group
Ben Markham, Director, Architectural Acoustics, Acentech
Ryan Van Dyke., Senior Superintendent, Robins & Morton
Emily Brown,人才发展主任,McCowngordon建设


Networking Break

4:15pm - 5:15pm

KEYNOTE PANEL: Construction’s Data-Driven Future

在萨福克首席数据和创新官Jit Kee Chin和小组讨论的闭幕会议期间,本次会议将讨论利用数据分析的力量,以建立项目的最佳信息。Chin将分享关于数据分析的纪律用途如何推动过程改进的思考,以及施工专业人员应该寻找什么技能,以便最好利用这些新工具。通过解决人员,流程和技术,小组将涵盖准备建设的主要支柱,以获得数据驱动的未来。


Jit Kee Chin,evp,首席数据和创新官,萨福克


Matt Pappas, Chief Data Officer, Kiewit
Anna Jacobson, Senior Preconstruction Manager, Morley Builders
山姆霍尔顿,项目执行官,Skanska USA Building Inc.

11:00 AM-12pm




Danielle Dy Buncio, LEED AP, CEO, VIATechnik
Alexandre L’Heureux,总裁兼首席执行官,WSP全球
卡尔海林老,安全顾问,美国承包商Insurance Group


Networking Break


PANEL: Safe and Sound in the Field

Cultivating and maintaining a safe job site requires project team leaders to balance complex psychological, cultural, emotional and social forces that can determine a project’s success—variables that have only been amplified in the COVID-19 era. Our panel of safety experts will discuss how ‘tough guy’ culture erodes safety and teamwork on the job site, how ‘emotional bank accounts’ build trusting relationships with team members and how young professionals can effectively engage craft workers. The panel will also talk about how to set expectations, remove barriers and hold people accountable to create a balance of safe production and strong repeatable actions.


Abby Ferri., Senior Risk Control Consultant, Arthur J. Gallagher


S. Murphy, Assistant Superintendent, Webcor Drywall
David Madaras,Chesapeake地区安全理事会总裁
Mitch Transtrum,Mortenson安全总监


Networking Break

下午1:30 - 下午2:15




Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business with a Purpose programs are on the rise across the construction industry. In this workshop you will learn how companies are using CSR programs to provide team building opportunities, improve recruitment and retention, and further drive their own mission forward. We will discuss how young leaders are often the drivers behind CSR programs and what attendees can do to help create or advance programs in their companies. Attendees will explore how they can use their professional skills to support a range of development projects both from a local and international lens.
Devin Connell,公司计划总监,繁荣的桥梁

2:15 PM-3:00PM.

Workshop 6: Innovation in Construction – Leveraging Emerging Technology in the Field

Brasfield&Gorrie是一个建筑的领导者,这是一个从长期持久的专业知识中受益的行业。凭借超过55年的业务,我们为桌面带来了重大的经验。通过创新作为我们的核心价值之一,我们不断探索新技术,以提高我们的安全性和效率。该探索不是理论上的 - 我们不断使用技术来解决您的求职问题上的真实施工问题。创新和运营技术经理Hunter Cole将共享Brasfield&Gorrie如何使用3D建模,虚拟和增强现实,激光扫描,无人机,机器人,每天可穿戴技术。他还将从他自己的经验中分享洞察力,作为一个年轻的专业领导其中一些私人私营建筑公司之一的这些举措。
Hunter Cole, Innovation and Operational Technology Manager, Brasfield & Gorrie
